
P.M. Seymour @PM-Seymour

Age 35


Otsego County, New York

Joined on 10/5/09

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1,796 / 1,880
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PM-Seymour's News

Posted by PM-Seymour - September 13th, 2012

Trying to get back on the metaphorical saddle for voice acting on NG, so if you need a voice actor to fill in any slot in an upcoming project, feel free to drop me a message here!

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/501708 Commercial Demo


Now onto some good news, two video games I provide voicework for, Loren the Amazon Princess, and Malevolence: The Sword of Ahkranox, are on the roster for Steam's Greenlight, and they could really use your votes!

http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetail s/?id=92923628 <- Loren's Voting Page
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetail s/?id=93060707 <- Malevolence's Voting Page

Lastly, I actually have a page on IMDB! Honestly I don't think I deserve it... but oh well~

Hope to hear from you guys, and hope y'all give them games the love they need!


I make ze voices for joo

Posted by PM-Seymour - August 22nd, 2012

4 months of planning the right voices
2 Days of draft scripts
2 Hours of finalizing lines
3 Hours of recording
1 Hour of Mixing down.


If you would like to use me for your next project, you can contact my email.

And now, some videos of cartoons I was in recently :V

Microgasm - Pilot - As Blue and Green

DMT - Short Animation - As The Unfortunate

Super Great Celery Man - Finale - Celery and Tomato Man

BOUNCY AND ROUND - Fan Made Short (Pokemon) - Kyouhei

See you all later, and hope to help in any projects soon,


Posted by PM-Seymour - May 27th, 2012

So a pilot I was in for Mondo Media (The same lovely chaps who broadcast Happy Tree Friends), called "Super Great Celery Man", was approved for more lovely shorts~
I was originally the role of Tomato Man/Guy/Scumbag, etc, and extra voice work, but due to some reasons, the voice for Celery Man as well, so keep your eyes open for the series when it gets back on the circuit :)

Now last post, I talked about the release of Loren Amazon Princess, well, their trailer received odd reviews for the choice of music (despite Miss Vee's wonderful performance), for the trailer. So they revamped it to fit the theme a lot more, but be sure to show support for the original song, and pick up Loren today, it's a fun little strategy RPG~ Although the voices in it are only used for the battles, it's still a great cast, featuring some of our lovely NG buddies, Hnilmik, Kirbopher, SonicMega, Sarifus, Darkwolf, and Myself; also some familiar names, Michelle Rojas, Karen Kahler, Kevin Connolly, and Sarah Williams.


Now, with summer rolling along, and time being made to the office, I'm available for any voice work needed on here, drop me a message in my Inbox here if you have something you are scrounging for voices for.

Until then, have a lovely season everyone~


Updates and Voice for hire~

Posted by PM-Seymour - May 4th, 2012

Just a whole bunch of videos to share,

First, Patonion's video storyboard for his upcoming animation, DMT, a story about a man's last dream before biting the big one.

A Voice Concept I did for one of the idea's of a male Character for Skullgirls, Leduc

In homage of the Rammus Taunts, done by StephanosRex, I did a version of Taunts as the Cocky Monkey Boy, Wukong,

And then lastly, Innuendo, Thy name is Pokemon B/W 2.
An animation of one of my audio pieces, done by SandwichAndCereal.


Now, a video game by the name of Loren, Amazon Princess, is released on the web, and I provide the voice for the cocky, womanizing Elf Archer, Rei.
The game comprises of strategy, rpg elements, and....dating. Yes.

Go get it....NOW.

Take it easy guys, and May the 4th be with you (...damnit Ms. Fortune)

Posted by PM-Seymour - April 17th, 2012


Short previews of voice work I do for commissioning.
If you wish to contact me about work, please message me on my facebook page, here, or email address, which I can provide upon request :)

You can find the full reels here,

-Video Game/TV Character Samples
-Commercial Samples
-Automated Messages Samples


Also, I will be in the upcoming RPG Strategy Game, Loren Amazon Princess, as Rei, the womanizing Elf Archer.

If you are into this sort of gaming, then this is for you ;)



Voice Samples [Available for Hire]

Posted by PM-Seymour - April 2nd, 2012

My friend Adam Tilford released his Sci-Fi Book, Shattered Heavens: Sins of the Soul for all Kindle and E-Book users on amazon, it's a great read for those who love a in depth story, post-earth setting, and giant mechs.
If you have a kindle or something that can read e-books, pick it up today for a good price~
Shattered Heaven is also trying to get an animated film in the works, also animated by Adam, which I will be providing the voices of two characters, General Copiare, and Geldius, I honestly love these characters to death, and reading this story and all of his other books have made me get a feel for how they interact with everything around them, it'll be very exciting bringing them to life.


I recently joined Voices.com and Voice123 to finally get my whole body in the door, and it's true, this business is BRUTAL, but I wouldn't trade it for the world, each audition is a blast to tryout for, and it only makes me want to do more.
I might be obsessive.
On two awesome bit of news, someone is currently working on an animated version of the Pokemon Black and White Manga, and I will be providing the voice of N for them, which will be a challenge for me, because N is....different, he's empty, and yet somehow, driven, so it's a gamble to find a middle point.
A preview of the animation can be seen here

Also my college contacted me about doing voice work for their theater troupe, and it pays, so I'm ecstatic I have a local gig that makes GREAT resume fodder.


Now for the shoutouts

First, to Apatheria, who recently uploaded his latest character demo, and I say it's by far one of the BEST demos I have ever heard on both fields of the voice acting world.
Listen to it here, and SCOUT THE EVER LOVING HELL OUT OF HIM!....NOW!

Second, to our lovely D-Mac Double, who recently appeared on the kid's anime Beyblade, and did something I thought impossible, he got me to watch an episode of Beyblade, and LIKE it. That's an achievement, brother.

And lastly, to Jim-Nickabocker, for his outstanding victory in NG's 8th Voice Acting Contest, it's a well deserved victory.

Be sure to check them all out, and give them lots of respect~

Peace kids,

Posted by PM-Seymour - March 17th, 2012

Sapphire strikes again with an all new comic dub series, KC Green's Anime Club.
I provide the voice of the "leader" of the group, Mort, a fat overdramatic weeaboo who believes that hentai is considered an artistic masterpiece to animation.

I also updated my own website with contact info and voice samples to listen and like...maybe

Also once again, with Pico day around the corner, I am providing my voice for all flashes for the lovely holiday, so give me a message if you are in need of some voice work.


Posted by PM-Seymour - March 2nd, 2012

I'll be at Genericon in Troy, New York this weekend hosting a voice acting panel with fellow colleagues of mine, if you are in the area, stop by to say hi :)

Also with Pico Day coming up, and flashes possibly needing voices, I'm about to whore myself for your flashes :|

And if you need a voice actor for your flashes, whether it's for Pico Day or not. Give me a call :D

Buh Bye,

Genericon 2012, and Pico Day

Posted by PM-Seymour - February 9th, 2012

So the redesign is here...very....very....indeed.


The RPG SFX Library has it's lovely cavalcade of voice actors, with some of Newground's finest cut of jibs.
Jonas Boda
Karen Kahler
Erica "Rikachu"
along with myself


Also I will appearing as a guest at two conventions in NY, Conquest in New Paltz, and Genericon in Troy. Where I will be running a panel with my bud, Peter Gerkman, as we will be discussing the basics to getting into Voice Acting, where I MAAAAY talk about Newgrounds. maybe. possibly...be a good boy and I will, and take you out for ice cream after.

I think..that's all for now...yea I'll just leave this here

Bye bye

Posted by PM-Seymour - January 8th, 2012

RPG SFX Library
Directed by Daniel Gooding
Casting by Patrick Seymour

produced by the creators of the Monster/Creature Library

Daniel Gooding and Myself have collaborated to make a new library for the new year, this time, focusing more on people themselves in the mystical worlds of RPGS.
We are giving voice actors the chance to dive their voices into those games, however, this will be a professional production, so we expect the best of the best out of all auditions

Meaning it's something really worth adding to the resume

Basically you are providing a library for RPG Makers to use as vocal base for their games.
It would comprise of basic voice recordings to use, like attacks, magic spells, using items, the works.
Now to expand the library and it's versatility, I would want to see not only people use a certain hero type, but dive deeper into the character itself.

For example, you want to record for a mage.
...what kind of mage are they?
Are they cocky? are they serious? are they new to the magic world?
Do they specialize in a certain field of magic?

So, give me lines that aren't TOO GENERIC, but unique, and make me feel for a character, also applicable to not just one project, but many

Requirements to audition
1.) A good quality microphone (somewhere close to the SAMSON CO1U Microphone or better), no echoing, distortions, or fizzings, pro audition requires pro sound.
2.) Commitment and great energy
3.) Able to sort your sound files as so (Mp3 or WAV, 44100 hz or higher), as "Name_CharacterType_Emotion"
4.) Email your auditions to patrickseymourva@yahoo.com, if I approve of the auditions, I will forward them to dgoodingindi@gmail.com (in case you hear from him), provide your name, resume, equipment specs, and contact information (skype, alt. emails, etc),
demo reel is optional [in case we want to hear some other character types for you]


Characters to try out on
(record about 3-6 Lines)

###Playable Characters###
Fighter/Swordsman/Mage/Healer/Ninja/Th ief/Summoner/Gunsmith/Archer/Robot

____Non Battle Sounds____
(Each character has a few variations of each)

- Join party
- Cannot Carry More (dungeon crawler)
- Happy
- Sad
- Confused
- Discovery

____Battle Sounds____
(Each character has a few variations)

- Attack
- Hurt
- Death
- Jump (Tales styled Rpg battle system)
- Generic Charging up
- Level Up
- Anger/Rage
- Special Attack
- Use Item (perhaps both on self, and for another person)
- Steal (Thief/Ninja Only)
- Generic Magic Cast (Mage Only)
- Generic Summon Cast (Summoner Only)
- Generic Healing Cast (Healer Only)

- Mage Spells (Fire/Ice/Lightning/Holy/Dark/Quake/Po ison/Ultima)



Armor Merchant
Magic Merchant
Weapon Merchant
Item Merchant
Generic Merchant
Inn Keep
Food Merchant
Healer - Doctor/Priest

____Other towns people____

Welcome to Town
Other Generic Banter.

####Humanoid Monsters####

Generic Bandits?
Generic Heavy Knights?

- Surprised Aggressive
- Attack Sound (Short)
- Attack Sound (Long)
- Hurt Sound (Short)
- Hurt Sound (Long)
- Jump (If able)
- (If Applicable) Growl/Hiss/Squeel Sound
- (If Applicable) Groan Sound
- (If Applicable) Emerge Sound (Zombies, ??)
- Laugh Sounds
- Taunts (Humans/Humanoid Monsters)
- Other creepy stuff?
- Death

Good Luck, and Have a blast